On Friday we decided that our adventure for the week would take us North of Fort Collins.
We had been told earlier in the week that the Red Mountain Open Space would be a good place to explore.
So with the weather predicted to be in the upper 60's we got out our map and headed north about 25 miles. On the way we stopped to catch a few geocaches en route.
Arriving at the Open Space we noted that one of the parking lots was closed due to rattlesnake hibernation. So we parked lower but had to walk through that parking lot to get to the trails. On the trail, I kept my eyes wide open in hopes that a rattler would not show itself on my path. With the warm weather I thought that they would be coming out of their hidey-holes! But none that we saw.

On our walk we had to cross a couple of creeks. I am always leery, but managed fine with Peter's encouragement. Of course Peter had to ham it up for the camera while he was crossing. No worry he has not fallen yet no matter how much he packs along with him!

And me going the opposite direction.

Peter getting down into the rattlesnake/cacti area.

Some of the wonderful birds nests that we found along the way. Built right into the side of the mountain.
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