Sunday, October 31, 2010

Red Mountain Open Space

On Friday we decided that our adventure for the week would take us North of Fort Collins.
We had been told earlier in the week that the Red Mountain Open Space would be a good place to explore.
So with the weather predicted to be in the upper 60's we got out our map and headed north about 25 miles. On the way we stopped to catch a few geocaches en route.

Arriving at the Open Space we noted that one of the parking lots was closed due to rattlesnake hibernation. So we parked lower but had to walk through that parking lot to get to the trails. On the trail, I kept my eyes wide open in hopes that a rattler would not show itself on my path. With the warm weather I thought that they would be coming out of their hidey-holes! But none that we saw.

On our walk we had to cross a couple of creeks. I am always leery, but managed fine with Peter's encouragement. Of course Peter had to ham it up for the camera while he was crossing. No worry he has not fallen yet no matter how much he packs along with him!

And me going the opposite direction.

Peter getting down into the rattlesnake/cacti area.

Some of the wonderful birds nests that we found along the way. Built right into the side of the mountain.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our new truck

When we moved to Colorado this summer we debated about having a truck to better navigate some of the back roads. We have been here about 3 months now and we have chosen to stick with our "regular" vehicles.
On the Poudre Canyon Road that we took this past Friday we came across what could be our new/old truck! A beaut don't you think?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Doug's Birthday

On Sunday Oct 24th, Doug turned 39!
Wow! How did that happen when we weren't looking?

Peter & I met Doug, Heidi and their friend Tom at a climbing gym in Thornton, Co.
Peter had not been climbing for some time so it was a time for a refresher course.
Doug also showed Tom the "ropes" of climbing.
And of course Doug showed us all what a fast monkey he is climbing up those walls.
Peter was not far behind.

Enjoyable morning.

Peter, Tom & Doug scaling the walls.

The family after the climbing.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In Search of Moose

On Friday, Oct 22nd we decided to take Hwy 14 from Fort Collins and head west along the Poudre Canyon. We had taken this twice before when we went to Steamboat Springs, but this day was intended to be a leisurely trip to catch the last golden hues of fall and a few moose grazing.

We were not disappointed along the way. The colors were obviously less than a couple of weeks ago, but what remained was brilliant.

Our destination for the day was to be Walden, Co (the moose capitol of the US). We had seen moose in the area before so we hoped we would again be lucky enough to catch sight of a few (or even one!). Alas, it was not to be so. No moose in the area today. We stopped several times for some geocaching along the way and our last stop for the day was to Cameron Pass TH. By the time we arrived there the snow was just beginning to fall gently. Along the trail, it began to come down heavier. The quiet in the woods was wonderful. All you could hear was the snow pellets off our hats and coats. We gave up for the day and headed back home. Perhaps the moose had been warned of our imminent approach? We will try again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rocky Mountain National Park

Peter & I got off to a very early start this morning. Alarm went off at 4AM. Our plan was to get to RMNP for a sunrise. We arrived at about 6:30AM. Drive into the park was large animals in the roadways! Arrived in the park before the staff was there to check us in. Our plan was to look for elk today, photograph a sunrise and do some geocaching.

Initially went to Bear Lake for the sunrise. On the way up to that point we first came across some wonderful glistening frost on the low lying plants. As we progressed farther up, the frost turned to snow. Lovely to look at with the aspen trees still glowing their beautiful golden hues. There were about 4 other cars in the parking lot when we arrived. One was covered with snow so we presumed that the occupant (s) had spent the nite up higher on an overnite hike.

Peter proceeded to walk to Bear Lake along with another photographer who arrived at the same time. Said the water was not calm, so not terrific for reflections, but still beautiful with the recent snowfall.

Sunrise at Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park

Sunrise showing alpenglow at Bear Lake a few minutes after the initial shots.

Large bull elk taking a rest. Alone. Before or after his harem duties???!!!

As our car was almost empty of fuel, we then headed back to Estes Park to refuel the car and ourselves. We stopped for breakfast at a small restaurant called "The Other Side". Hearty breakfast of shared Denver Omelet, Blueberry Pancakes and coffee.

Following breakfast we decided to do some geocaching in the area. I had looked up about 10 places the night before. We were ready. We found all but one. Perhaps it had floated down the river or been taken by someone? Will never know. But the places we did get to were interesting.

Left this morning when the temperature was a mere 28 degrees and returned to Fort Collins where it was 70 degrees! What a pleasant way to spend a fall day!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mount Audubon

Peter set off this morning at 4:30AM to hike/climb Mount Audubon. His plans are to meet up with Doug and Tom. They figure it should be about an 8 hour hike.
Very cold when he left......35 degrees.
Sun is now out and it has warmed to a balmy 45 degrees.

I am staying inside to work on our pictures from our latest trip to Vail and to do some reading. Contemplating baking something to warm the house a bit. Refuse to turn on the heat! Way too early. Expected to be in the low 70's later today. Will then head out for my daily walk.

Peter brought home images from his adventure on Mount Audubon.

Doug and Tom before the trek begins.

Douglas as he reached the top of Mount Audubon.

Doug's headstand when he reaches the top!

Who's happy now?

Peter joins in the fun!

Picking up a rock to return to Renee for her collection!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grouse Lake Trail

Peter left this morning about 8am and was headed to the Grouse Lake Trail just north of Minturn. I was not feeling well and chose to stay home. His plans are to hike the entire trail (about 4.5 miles) and return to his starting point. He is figuring it should take him at the most 8 hours. Elevation gain on the hike is about 3,000'.

While he was gone, I chose to relax, go for a walk in the village and read my book and do some painting.

It is an absolutely heavenly fall day. The snow that had been at the tops of the mountains has melted. People are driving around in convertibles with the tops down! Is it really October? We are so used to much cooler weather in Wisconsin. This will take some getting used to? No!

Lost Lake Trail

On Wed, Peter and I headed north on Red Sandstone Road. We drove up the FS Road 700 to the start of the trailhead. The road had recently been graded and was much less bumpy than when we took it last week. Big improvement.

The full trail was 3.73 miles between trailheads. The plan was for Peter to go the whole distance to the lake and then turn around and head back to the car. My plan was to walk about a mile and then head back to the car.

The trail followed a ridge dividing the Piney and Red Sandstone drainages while traveling through lodgepole pine and aspen groves. I'm sure the color was more vibrant a couple of weeks ago, but it was still a great place for a hike. To begin with we were the only 2 on the trail. It was so peacefully quiet. Gave us a chance to really experience nature. Along the way I noted a couple of Pileated Woodpeckers pecking away on the trees. Just me and the woodpeckers. No camera along.

The trail gradually climbed about 600 feet to the high point and then dropped down to Lost Lake. Peter said that he was able to see Vail ski slope from the top of the ridge. He stopped for about an hour to munch on his lunch and take some pictures. And then headed back to the car. As he was coming down the trail, he called me and I started out up the trail to meet him.

It was a beautiful day. Weather was perfect. Definitely a place we could return to when we get back to the Vail area.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mount Massive Snowstorm

Thursday's drive took us South from Vail on the way to Leadville.
We stopped several times for some geocaching at Turquoise Lake and San Isabel National Forest.

During the day we stopped near Mount Massive to take pictures of the snow storm approaching.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Geocaching near Vail, Colorado

On Wednesday, we decided to do some geocaching in the area.
For those who have not done this, it entails using a GPS to find hidden objects in sometimes unusual and out of the way places. It gets us to go in areas that we may not have explored previously.

We started our day at Vail. The plan was to go West and then South, perhaps as far as Leadville. We never made it to Leadville, but will go there today (hopefully).

Our first find of the day was at Dowd's Rapid right off Hwy 24 and Hwy 6. Well hidden.

Our second one took us to Grouse Creek/Grouse Creek Trailhead a short distance further. This one was a bit more difficult to locate. Peter's persistence paid off when he discovered it in the middle of a beaver's dam! Eureka!

From there we headed south to Minturn and stopped for a BBQ lunch at Kirby Cosmo's BBQ. Enjoyable lunch to complement the pleasant weather.

We continued south to the old mining town of Gilman. Closed to the public but viewable from Hwy 24 overlook. Here too we found a cache hidden in the railing.

From there we headed to our most difficult find yet at Homestake Creek Camping area. I eventually gave up but Peter again persisted by hiking farther back and scrambling over rocks. The area was a great environment for moose (as the sign at the start indicated), but alas they kept themselves hidden from our view.

Our last 2 finds of the day were near Camp Hale where the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division trained during WWII. We found the first easily enough, but the last one escaped our eyes and we will return today. Interesting place.

View of moose habitat in Homestake Creek Camping Area.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Eagle's Nest Wilderness

On Monday, Peter and I decided to explore the area near Vail.
We first went to the Holy Cross Ranger District in Minturn, Colorado to pick up information on various hikes in the area. We chose hikes that were listed as "easy to very difficult" picking the Lost Lake Trail #1893 as our first choice. We drove back to Vail and headed North on Red Sandstone Road #700.

As we expected, most of the color on the Aspens was already past, but what remained was bright and beautiful and worth stopping along the way for pictures. The road that we took was a FS road and not in the best condition. Very bumpy ride for about 5 miles. We arrived at the trail head and decided that it might be best to go on to the next stop which was the Upper Piney River Trail #1885. This would give me a shorter walk than what Peter was able to take.

We passed several camping areas and commented that it would be a quiet and peaceful place to camp some day when we return. We crossed over the Piney River along the way until we reached the Piney River Ranch where we began our hike.

We separated after about an hour and Peter went on further to the cascading waterfall. The trail after the falls leads to Mount Powell which is another destination for Peter on another day. The trail winds its way through aspen groves and spruce and fir stands. The whole area is in the Eagles Nest Wilderness.

Peter and Renee on the trail

Peter on the right returning from his hike with storm clouds building overhead.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Color in Vail

View of our condo from the mountain top.

Woke up this AM in Vail after arriving late last nite. Too dark to really see what our surroundings were like.

Walked out onto the porch outside our unit this morning to be treated to a beautiful site.
The ski hill is right outside our window.
Color is beautiful. Makes for a golden mountain side ---- hence the name "Golden Peak".
Below our deck is a mountain stream.
Can't wait to explore the area around here.
Should be interesting. As we understand it, no cars in Vail per se.
Bus, foot or bike transportation.

Let the exploring begin!

Pictures to follow......

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Fridays

Last nite Peter & I had a chance to go to First Friday Art Walk in Fort Collins.
Was an enjoyable evening. Good to talk with other artists and see what is happening in the local art world.
Pleasantly warm and many folks were outside eating their meals. CSU marching band was strolling downtown entertaining those looking at art.