Rose very early on Monday morning.....3:30AM to be exact.....and headed out to RMNP hoping to be there in time for a sunrise. We arrived so early that no one was even at the gates when we passed through. We drove to the part where we had seen elk before and were treated to a large herd grazing and drinking from the river. Of course it took time to set up the tripods etc, so by the time that was done, they had moved farther on up the field. Did get a couple of pictures of the sunrise. The best part of this sunrise was the fog bank that hung over the field.
As the elk moved on, we moved on as well. Getting so good at following them. Just observing their behaviors is a thrill. We even heard a little bugling before we left that spot.
Our main destination for the day was to do a hike near Bear Lake. The plan was for Renee to hike around Bear Lake while Peter headed farther up the mountain range. His goal for the day was to reach Lake Haiyaha. We both began at 7am at the parking lot. Peter going one way and I going the other. We had our walkie talkies on hand to stay in touch. We began at an elevation of 9475'. My walk was only an elevation gain of 20' and easy enough for me. Stopped many times to take pictures around the lake. Wonderful reflections and a perfect time of the day as the path was not littered with other hikers. About 1/2 around, it began to rain and the look completely changed. No reflections. Water very unsettled.
After my walk, I went back to the car and had a granola bar and sat and read for a bit knowing that Peter would still be several hours longer in his hike. While waiting, the hikers came in waves being dropped off by the shuttle bus. No more peaceful walk around the lake. I was glad I started early.
As the day progressed, so did Peter and he kept me informed by walkie talkie. He hiked first to to Nymph Lake (about 1/2 mile) and then on to Dream Lake (another 1/2 mile). Elevation at this point was about 10000'. From there he went on to Emerald Lake stopping many times for pictures. When he reached Emerald Lake he had to backtrack on the trail to get to his final destination, Lake Haiyaha. He said his legs felt fine and this was good practice for his next trip with Doug in a week.
When Peter reached Lake Haiyaha, he called and said he was coming down. I told him I would meet him along the way. Little did I know that the climb was so steep. Even with a walking stick it was hard for me and I made many stops on the upward path. But the destination of the first Lake (Nymph Lake) was well worth the effort. A lake with many lily pads and yellow flowers. I did not carry a camera, so had to rely on Peter's pictures. I started to head to the next lake, but my legs said "are you crazy?". I chose to wait for Peter at Nymph Lake and do a bit of people watching. By this time of the morning there was no lack of people to watch.
Eventually, Peter arrived back to where I was waiting. We then walked down to the parking lot together. Total trip for Peter was about 6 miles. At the peak of the hike he reached 10, 220'. A good morning for both of us.
From there we headed out to lunch on the fringe of the park at Trailside Restaurant. A delightful lunch on the deck overlooking the mountains. During our entire meal, we watched the hummingbirds feeding on the deck. Very active.
Having finished lunch we headed back home to Fort Collins. Along the way we encountered Big Horn Sheep on Hwy 34. Some feeding close to the roadway and others, a ram included a tad farther up the mountain. Stopped for quite some time to take pictures. Always a thrill to have the opportunity to see them up close. From there we continued on our drive home only to stop once more when we came across a herd of elk grazing in a pasture. By the time we arrived home the rain had started once again. All in all a great way to spend the day. Plans are to return again this week, weather permitting.

Lake Haiyaha

Bear Lake (left) and Nymph Lake (right) from the trail

Joshua Been, plein air painter at Dream Lake